1. betaclust::legacy.data
    MethylationEPIC manifest data.
  2. betaclust::pca.methylation.data
    DNA methylation data from patients with prostate cancer
  3. betaHMM::annotation_data
    MethylationEPIC manifest data.
  4. betaHMM::pca_methylation_data
    Simulated DNA methylation data
  5. betaHMM::sample_annotation_file
    MethylationEPIC manifest data.
  6. betaHMM::sample_methylation_file
    Simulated DNA methylation data
  7. idiffomix::gene_chromosome_data
    Data containing chromosome information and the genes located on them.
  8. idiffomix::gene_expression_data
    Gene expression data for patients suffering from breast cancer
  9. idiffomix::methylation_data
    Methylation array data for patients suffering from breast cancer