To cite package ‘betaclust’ in publications use: Majumdar K, Silva R, Perry A, Watson R, Rau A, Jaffrezic F, Murphy T, Gormley I (2024). _betaclust: A Family of Beta Mixture Models for Clustering Beta-Valued DNA Methylation Data_. R package version 1.0.3, . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Manual{, title = {betaclust: A Family of Beta Mixture Models for Clustering Beta-Valued DNA Methylation Data}, author = {Koyel Majumdar and Romina Silva and Antoinette Sabrina Perry and Ronald William Watson and Andrea Rau and Florence Jaffrezic and Thomas Brendan Murphy and Isobel Claire Gormley}, year = {2024}, note = {R package version 1.0.3}, url = {}, }